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Orientation in the ESG Data Jungle - Illumination from the Banks' Perspective and Contribution of OeKB ESG Data Hub! We make it simple!

Best Practice Talk

As part of the Best Practice Talk, a high-profile panel of experts will discuss the topic of data overload in connection with the transformation to a climate-friendly economy. The focus will be on user-friendly data collection on the sustainability aspects of companies. The impact of the information on cooperation with banks will also be highlighted.

Working capital in a volatile environment - how do you do it successfully?

Best Practice Talk

Together with RBI and POLYTEC GROUP, we want to talk about the objectives in terms of working capital as well as challenges and what you should definitely pay attention to when implementing a program. We will also talk about the cooperation between banks and FinTechs in this area. RBI will provide exciting insights and share tips and tricks here.

Rating for entry into the capital market


Benteler has successfully issued its debut bonds in the capital market. The workshop will provide an overview of obtaining an external rating. In particular, aspects of information requirements, timing and communication will be addressed.