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Successfully implement new technologies & set new standards for global payments & IHB.


100% global transparency of cash flows and payments, reporting and status overview of transactions from ERP systems in real time, 800 accounts closed, harmonization and reduced complexity on a global level: The goals that Siemens Gamesa was able to achieve with TIS in an ambitious project are enormous. In the workshop we will discuss together the adaptation of new technologies (SAP APM), how to avoid pitfalls, reduce complexity and thus save costs in the long run.

On the way to the digital euro - potentials and effects


The debate about the digital euro as a possible alternative to traditional cash reaches a new level. Legal expert Dr. Peter Wagesreiter analyzes the first concrete draft regulation on the digital euro and takes a detailed look at legal, economic and data protection aspects. Find out how the digital euro is intended to increase the sovereignty of the euro area and strengthen the existing currency and payment system, but also what challenges it poses for companies.